Use Web and Document Links
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If your text contains an Internet link, holding the Control key down and double-clicking on the link will open it in your default Web browser. Also hold the Ctrl key down if you want to open a link in a new Web browser window (this feature may not work with all browsers). If this feature does not work, you will have to fill in the path and file name of your browser in the "Options | Internet | Default Browser" field. If the editor cannot resolve the URL from the text you double-clicked, it will open a dialog box so you can complete the address if necessary.

NoteTab also supports links between documents, Outline headings, and even words within a document. These types of links are referred to as "Hyperlinks".

Hyperlinks must be placed between square brackets "[]". You can jump to a hyperlink topic by holding down the Control (or Ctrl) key while you double-click on the text between the brackets. Or, if you prefer, place the cursor anywhere between the brackets and press Ctrl+H to go to the matching topic. If you set the menu option "Tools | Quick Open Links", you do not need to hold down the Control key when clicking on a hyperlink.

Hyperlinks can be inserted in any kind of document. They can represent a heading in the active Outline document, or another Outline document, or the name of a file, or an Internet link, or a program to launch, or a line number, or a text search criteria. Character case is not important unless you use the search criteria feature with case sensitivity enabled.


·If you activate the [introduction] hyperlink, the content of that Outline topic will be displayed.  

·If you have another Outline file called "Important.OTL", you can create a hyperlink that will display it and select the topic you specify. For example, [important.otl::meetings] will display the "meetings" heading. Note the use of the double colon to separate the main link criteria from the secondary criteria.  

·The accompanying "WhatsNew.txt" file can be opened with this hyperlink: [WhatsNew.txt].  

·The following command [explorer.exe] will launch Windows Explorer. You can also specify parameters as long as you place the program's file name between double quotes ["explorer.exe" /e,/root,C:\]. Note that the program name must include the extension too (usually .exe).  

·The following hyperlink [readme.txt::outline] will display the "readme.txt" file. As it is not an Outline file, NoteTab assumes the second criteria "outline" is text criteria to search and will select the first occurrence of the word "outline". Note that you will have to specify the full path name if the file is not in the same directory as the document containing the hyperlink.  

·If you want to apply the search criteria type of hyperlink on the active document, just omit the file name. For example, [::NoteTab] will find the next occurrence of the name NoteTab. Since the double colon does not necessarily look very nice in this case, the following format with a blank space on each side of the search criteria is also valid: [ NoteTab ].  

·By default, the search feature is case sensitive, only matches single words, and searches forwards. However, you can change this behavior by using extra parameters: "I" indicates that the search should not be case sensitive, "T" indicates that any text is acceptable, and "B" tells NoteTab to search backwards. Use the "^" character to separate the search criteria from its parameters. For example, [ tab^ITB] will select the "Tab" part of the name NoteTab preceding the hyperlink. And [readme.txt::NoteTab^B] will find the last occurrence of the word "NoteTab" in the Readme.txt file.  

·To jump to a specific line number in a document, the format of the hyperlink is similar to the search criteria. You use the line number instead of the search text and use the parameter "L" so that NoteTab knows it is the line number you want and not text to search. For example, [readme.txt::5^ L] will display the Readme.txt file with the cursor at the beginning of the 5th line. If you specify "-1", the cursor will be placed on the last line: [readme.txt::-1^L].  

·URLs are also valid. However, if the link does not start with the typical "www.", then you must fully qualify the URL (add "http://", or "ftp://", etc.). The following will connect to the NoteTab site through your default Web browser []. Hold the Ctrl key down if you want to open the document in a new Web browser window (this feature may not work with all browsers).